JULY 15th, 2022

Hello! My name is Ethan Keister.

At this time, I’m a newly unemployed graphic designer/illustrator. I spent the last 5 years as an art director in Milwaukee. But that pesky travel bug is itchy as hell – so I’m scratching said itch and will be living in Europe for the next 6 months. 

This blog will be an attempt to record my time across the pond. To turn my musings into something beneficial and entertaining. 

I’ve kept other travel journals in the past – most of them in physical sketchbooks. On rainy days I’ve found that I actually look back at them to recount what I was thinking, feeling and doing at those points in time. They help me relive the adventure and that’s something a facebook memory notification can’t replicate.


Sure, I’ll be practicing my photography skills a bit, but the point of this trip is not only to meet people and experience new places (a HUGE component, no less) but to hone my design, illustration, writing and observation skills. I want this log to hold me accountable in my daily practices as an artist. Something I learned a while ago is that too much freedom can turn to lethargy; you need some sort of structure.

But no timelines. Or middle management BS. No fuck that.

I will be posting once a week. Maybe more than that if I feel inclined but the base goal is once per week.

What this log will contain:


I want to improve my skills in perspective like architecture and landscapes. Pen, ink and watercolor drawings. I also want to get back to basics and draw on some physical paper - a habit that’s been slowly devolving thanks to the iPad.


I love people watching and live sketching them. Call that creepy but I call it strengthening my quick observational figure drawing skills.


I plan on going to lots of museums and expanding my horizons within the graphic design world. Anything that strikes my fancy in this realm will be shared. 

What it won’t:


Sure, I might have some small tidbits of insight on things like what phone carrier I'm using or whatnot, but it won’t be a full-on informational “go here” or “10 best places to save on your Euros” type deal. 


I like food but I wouldn't call myself a “foodie.” I love trying new things but won’t be raving or reviewing cafes or restaurants. Might call out a few places that I pitch camp to mooch wifi but don’t expect long articles on “The Best Tortellini in Italy.”


I’m not a reporter or journalist. I won’t be reporting on foreign affairs. Im here to be a sponge and learn from others, not give my ill-informed opinions or give hot-takes on socio-economic policies.

There’s a certain direction I wish to take this log, but who’s to say I won't break some of these rules. The whole point of this blog is to be free-form and fun.

I hope you enjoy my ramblings.
